Kodim 0411/KM Carry Out Security Readiness Checks for the 2023 General Election
Military District Command 0411/KM News
Commander of Kodim 0411/KM Lt. Col. Arh Rendra Febrandari Suparman, S.I.P. directly leading the TNI AD TA 2024 Election Security Readiness Ceremony. 2023 will take place at Makodim Apple Field 0411/KM, Jl. Veteran No. 53. Bd. 22 West Hadimulyo Village, Central Metro District, Metro City. Wednesday (06/12/2023)
Participating in the Ceremony Ceremony were Kasdim 0411/KM Major Inf Wawan Cahya Gunawan, SH., Pabung Lamteng Major Inf Agus Waluyo, Staff Officers along with Danramil ranks as well as Makodim Staff and Babinsa Koramil' personnel.
On this occasion, the Commander of Kodim 0411/KM Lt. Col. Arh Rendra Febrandari Suparman, S.I.P, said, "The 2024 General Election Security Preparedness Call aims to check the extent of our readiness as Regional Command Apparatus in an effort to assist the Republic of Indonesia Police in maintaining Security and Order and providing "feeling safe and comfortable during the simultaneous elections in 2024," said the Dandim.
"For us, as members of the military, there is no other word than neutral, which can be interpreted as not getting involved or involving ourselves in political life and practical political activities, always maintaining our attitudes and actions by not commenting negatively on social media regarding the 2024 election stages," he added.
Furthermore, Dandim invited his members to always maintain the good name of the Unit, "Let's together protect the image and good name of the TNI, by always complying with every regulation and maintaining our commitment to neutrality in the 2024 Election," he concluded.
After giving the briefing, Dandim 0411/KM accompanied by Kasdim, Pabung and Kodim 0411/KM officers directly checked the vehicles and security equipment, such as riot equipment and communication equipment as well as other supporting equipment. (DL)
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