TMMD Task Force 113 Kodim 0411/KM Held Social Communication with the Community Explaining Stunting Materials
Military District Command 0411/KM
Members of the 113th TNI Manunggal Village Development Task Force (TMMD) Kodim 0411/KM conducted Social Communications (Komsos) activities in the form of anjangsana to the homes of religious leaders, community leaders and traditional leaders as well as residents of Bina Karya Buana Village, Rumbia District, District Lamteng with material on stunting or nutritional health. Wednesday (18/05/22)
Representing the Commander of Kodim 0411/KM Lt. Col. Inf. Sihono, A.Md. Pasiter Captain Chb M. Taufiek said, "Stunting is a chronic malnutrition problem caused by lack of nutritional intake for a long time, resulting in growth disorders in children, namely the child's height is lower or shorter (dwarf) than the standard age," he said.
"For this reason, we have coordinated with the Lamteng Regency Health Office to hold a socialization regarding nutritional stunting to be carried out at the location where the 113rd TMMD Kodim 0411/KM is held. The socialization activity is one of the non-physical targets that we have scheduled," he added.
"Hopefully the stunting socialization will soon be carried out in Restu Buana Village and Bina Karya Buana Village, all of which are a form of TNI's concern for health conditions in the community," he concluded.
When conducting Komsos, the personnel of the 113rd TMMD Task Force Kodim 0411/KM tried to provide detailed and relaxed information on physical and non-physical targets, so that the public could fully understand the activities that had been carried out to improve the condition of their area as well as the health of the people involved. there is. (DL)
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