Members of the 113rd TMMD Task Force Kodim 0411/KM Help Residents Make Tiwul
Military District Command 0411/KM
The old eyes of Mr. Godi and his wife could not be separated from the behavior and actions of the 113rd TMMD Task Force Member of Kodim 0411/KM Second Seargant Suwito, how could he not, he and his wife knew that the TMMD personnel had spent a lot of energy in physical work such as road construction and culverts. culvert in their village. However, Serda Suwito still left a little time and energy to help him in processing tiwul. Saturday (21/05/22)
In his mind, he imagined how skilled NKRI guards in using weapons in battle suddenly became skilled when mixing, leveling and filtering the tiwul material that he dried in front of his house, Restua Buana Village, Rumbia District, Lamteng Regency.
As local residents know, Mr. Godi and his wife often make tiwul, a food made from cassava that is shaped like rice. Tiwul has been consumed by the general public in Indonesia, especially in rural areas where the land produces a lot of cassava.
Nowadays, this tiwul food has begun to be served in many restaurants with the aim of finding customers who want to fill their stomachs but avoid the effects of diabetes or being overweight. It's just that the difference is when in Kampung Tiwul it is served with normal side dishes, unlike in restaurants where fish, meat, eggs or other dishes are served.
Mr. Godi and his wife produce tiwul for their own consumption, their village has minimal rice fields and is exposed to extensive cultivation, so many people grow cassava. They sell their produce and buy rice, for that Mr. Godi and his wife take the produce (cassava) for them to process themselves into tiwul.
"When I was about to go to the location of the TMMD road construction, I passed a house in front of which I saw drying processed cassava into tiwul, after carrying out the TMMD task, that night I visited Mr. Godi's house, I saw the husband and wife look tired, from there I knew that Apart from working, they also process cassava into tiwul for them to consume in carrying out their lives," said Second Seargant Suwito.
"The instincts of a soldier who are often in contact with suffering, make me remember how difficult it is to survive while carrying out operational duties. Likewise with the community, they are endless in fighting for life, for that I will continue to take time to accompany Mr. Godi and his wife while they are still alive. being here, on the assignment of the 113rd TMMD Kodim 0411/KM" he added
"Here I can feel the love of a father and mother who live in concern, I also think this is a place for me to gain knowledge in processing cassava into a staple food substitute for rice, I think there are many blessings when we carry out tasks anywhere, Dandim 0411/ KM Lt. Col. Inf Sihono always warns us to be sincere in our service, so there we will find soul happiness," he concluded while sifting the tiwul on the drying carpet. (DL)
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