Socialization of National Insights the 113th TMMD Kodim 0411/KM

Military District Command 0411/KM In addition to working on the physical targets of the 113th TMMD Task Force, Kodim 0411/KM also carried out non-physical targets such as socialization of state defense, stunting, Pos Yandu, Posbindu and this time Pasi Ter Kodim 0411/KM Captain Chb M. Taufiek gave material on National Insights to the village community. Restu Buana and Bina Karya Buana are around 132 people at the Restu Buana Village Hall, Rumbia District, Central Lampung Regency. Tuesday (31/05/22) The enthusiasm of the residents in these two villages was clearly seen when they received counseling on nationalism which aims to strengthen the spirit of nationalism in the community from threats that might occur if this activity was never carried out. "This national insight aims to revive the spirit of unity and integrity in the minds of the people, increase the participation of all components of society in strengthening the unity and integrity of the nation and love for the Indonesian...