Military District Command 0411/KM News
Aiming to form a mental character with national insight, Babinsa Koramil 411-01/Metro Sertu Arifianto along with 2 Members carried out the activity of providing material 'Character Education to Students of SMK N 1 Metro' at Makoramil Field 411-01/Metro. Tuesday (06/06/23)
A total of 98 students of SMK N 1 Metro consisting of 86 students and 12 students who are representatives from grades 10 and 11 received Character Education training based on the Application Letter for Discipline Training Assistance No. 420/720/V.01/SMKN.1/2023 signed by the Head of SMK N 1 Metro to Koramil 411-01/Metro.
Head of SMK N 1 Metro Fahrisya, S.Pd. hopes that by carrying out the synergy between the school and the Koramil it will form a disciplined attitude and also foster enthusiasm for the students in avoiding negative activities that can damage the mentality of the nation's next generation.
"I see that from marching exercise, students will form mental stability with character, not to mention the members of the Koramil 01 also provide material on love for the motherland and insight into nationalism and defending the country, at the Makoramil 01/Metro," he said.
"Members of the Koramil teach the practice of Pancasila and the 45 Constitution with enthusiasm and kinship. It is hoped that students who take part in the training will be increasingly able to increase their sense of nationalism, and have a spirit of corps, unity and unity in supporting school work, and are expected to be an example. for other students," he concluded.
Sertu Arifianto explained that the training provided was in the form of Marching Row Regulations (PBB) exercises, namely to form a well-built physique, agile discipline as well as instill a sense of unity. "We hope that with this kind of training school students can become reliable young generations who have good character and morals in the future," he said. (DL)
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