Dandim 0411/KM Leads Pancasila Birthday Ceremony 1 June 2023 and Corp Raport Sertijab Danunit Intel

Military District Command 0411/KM News

Officers, NCOs and enlisted personnel as well as PNS Kodim 0411/KM carried out a Flag Ceremony Commemorating the Birth of Pancasila June 1 2023 led directly by Dandim 0411/KM Letkol Inf Sihono, A.Md. located at Kodim 0411/KM Apple Field Jalan Veteran No. 53 West Hadimulyo Village Metro City. Thursday (01/06/23)

On this occasion the Dandim 0411/KM read the Speech of the Indonesian Armed Forces Commander Admiral Yudo Margono, SE., MM that Pancasila is the basis of the state and the foundation of ideology for the Indonesian Nation.

Every noble value contained in it has become the basis of state life since the concept of Pancasila was introduced by Soekarno on June 1, 1945. After going through an in-depth discussion process.

The Dandim continued, the founding fathers subsequently agreed to Pancasila as the legal foundation of the state and included it in the Preamble of the 1945 Constitution.

The Dandim said, Commemorating the birth of Pancasila is a moment to remember, respect, and at the same time appreciate the struggle of the nation's founders in formulating the basis of the Indonesian state.

"We, as the next generation of the nation, must be able to interpret Pancasila as the basis of the state and as a basis for behaving in social life," said the Dandim.

As TNI soldiers, we must believe that Pancasila is a unifying tool for the nation that we must protect to the last drop of our blood. Thanks to Pancasila, which has the values ​​of inclusivity, tolerance and mutual cooperation, the diversity that exists in the archipelago can be woven into the national identity of Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, said the Dandim.

The theme for commemorating Pancasila's birthday this time is also very relevant to the challenges and situations currently being faced by the entire Indonesian nation, namely 'Gotong-royong to build civilization and global growth'. This theme is a reminder to all of us how important the spirit of gotong royong is to advance the nation. History has recorded and proven that all the problems faced by the nation can be faced and solved if all components of the nation work together and unite.

Therefore, on this auspicious occasion I would like to advise all soldiers to always protect and preserve Pancasila values.

The Dandim also emphasized that through the direction of the TNI Commander to TNI soldiers as a guideline for implementation, firstly the TNI is the front guard and the last bastion of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia which is based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution. Hold fast to your oath and promise to always be loyal to the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. Do not be influenced by efforts to divide the unity and integrity of the nation.

Second, be the glue and unifier of the nation with real efforts in the field. Highlight similarities and put aside differences in our daily lives both in the official service and when we mingle with society.

And the third is to maintain the synergy between the TNI and the National Police, ministries and other institutions. Realize that we are part of a system that needs each other, so we need a spirit to work together, synergize and work together in an effort to advance the nation.

Acted as Ceremonial Commander First Lieutenant Arh Rahmat M and served as Ceremonial Officer of Captain Inf Sapji. Appeared to be present leading the ranks of Kasdim officers 0411/KM Major Inf Bagus Setiawan, S.Sos.

Furthermore Dandim 0411/KM Lt. Col. Inf Sihono, A.Md. directly led the activities of the Corp Report on the handover of the position of Commander of the 0411/KM Inteldim Unit from Lettu Arh Rahmat M. to Letda Inf Zainuri in the presence of the Head of Persit KCK Branch XXXI Dim 0411 Ny. Linda Sihono and Kasdim 0411/KM Major Inf Bagus Setiawan, S.Sos., Staff Officers and Danramil ranks, representatives of non-commissioned officers, enlisted Koramil ranks and officers of Persit KCK Branch XXXI Dim 0411. (DL)


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