Personnel from Kodim 0411 / LT and West Metro Police to Promote Health Protocols at Darul Amal Islamic Boarding School
Military District Command 0411/LT
In addition to public markets, shops and shopping centers, the Islamic boarding school environment is a special concern for the Metro City Covid-19 Task Force in an effort to continue to suppress the spread of the Covid-19 outbreak. The reason is, many factors can trigger the transmission of the virus among students.
In connection with this, Serma Basirun Babinsa Koramil 411-04 / Trimurjo together with the Task Force led by Wakapolsek Metro Barat Iptu Habib carried out the socialization of the Covid-19 protocol in the area of the Pompes Darul Amal Islamic boarding school, Mulyojati Village, West Metro District. Sunday (23/08/20)
As is well known with his insights, something that is somewhat difficult to control and is considered prone to virus transmission is when Islamic boarding schools accept students from outside. This is where the need to strengthen health protocols, because if there are students who come from outside the region, these students must follow health protocol procedures starting from measuring body temperature, swabs and independent coral reefs.
The Task Force Team consisting of Wakapolsek Metro Barat Iptu Habib and 5 members, 2 personnel from Koramil 411-04 / Trimurjo and 1 personnel from Koramil 411-10 / Seputih Mataram conducted an activity to provide an appeal to the santri and santriwati regarding the Discipline of the Implementation of Health Protocols . (DL)
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