Dandim 0411 / LT Lt. Col. Inf Andri Hadiyanto Leads Apel Minggu Militer for August 2020
Military District Command 0411/LT
Kodim 0411 / LT carried out the Military Week Apple in August 2020 led directly by Dandim 0411 / LT Lt. Col. Inf Andri Hadiyanto at the Makodim 0411 / LT Apple Field Jalan Veteran No. 29 Bedeng 22 Hadimulyo Barat Metro City. Monday (24/08/20)
The event was attended by Kasdim 0411 / LT Major Inf Bagus Setiawan, S., Sos., Staff Officers and ranks of the Danramil and was attended by all members of the Makodim and Koramil ranks.
When giving the mandate, Dandim 0411 / LT reminded all members that the Military Week activity was a means for soldiers to recall the basics of military and soldiering they already had, so that with this activity all members of Kodim 0411 / LT would continue to maintain and recall their abilities. the basis of a soldier even though his want is taken up by many development activities in the fostered village area as the main task of personnel in the territorial territorial unit.
After the Apel all members attended the Commander's Hour in the Pamungkas Multipurpose Hall, Dandim 0411 / LT gave some attention and direction.
"Try to carry out the duties of each member in order to instill in each other's minds that work is not solely due to orders from the commander, but to make sure that all work is based on the cause of Allah SWT, so that in carrying out every task our hearts will be fully moved. sincerity, if all members are sincere then the work will be good and useful, the impact will of course be felt directly by the members, the family to the unit we love, " he ordered.
"Take care of yourself and your family's health, because if we have health, but our family is sick, it is certain that our concentration must be disturbed in carrying out official duties", he added.
"Carry out the task as well as possible and based on a high sense of responsibility, as the commander of this unit, I will try not to interfere with the members' holiday time, use it to further maintain harmonious relations with the family, unless there are things that are urgent. from the Upper Command, then we all have to prioritize the interests of the official, " he concluded. (DL)
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