Commander Hours Kodim 0411/KM

Military District Command 0411/KM News

Dandim 0411/KM Lt. Col. Arh Rendra Febrandari Suparman, S.I.P. gave Commander's Hours (Jamdan) to Soldiers and Civil Servants of Kodim 0411/KM at the Pamungkas Hall of Kodim 0411/KM, Jl. Veteran No. 53 Bd. 22 West Hadimulyo Village, Central Metro District, Metro City. Tuesday (28/11/23)

Also seen taking part in the Jamdan activities, Kasdim 0411/KM Major Inf Wawan Cahya Gunawan, SH., Staff Officers, Danramil Ranks, and Intel Unit Lt. Inf Zainuri along with members of the Intel Unit and Pasandi Lt. Inf Rudiyanto.

On this occasion, Commander of Kodim 0411/KM Lt. Col. Arh Rendra Febrandari Suparman, S.I.P. provide several directions and emphasis to soldiers and civil servants at Kodim 0411/KM.

"First of all, let us all give thanks to Allah SWT, Alhamdulillah, we are all still given the blessing of health so we can gather for Commander's Hour activities," opened Dandim 0411/KM

"I really appreciate the members who have been responsive in overcoming problems in their areas, I hope this can be further improved, we must also be able to be a good example to the community," he said.

Furthermore, Dandim 0411/KM emphasized, "To all members, I emphasize to always anticipate, not to get involved in all election activities, so that it doesn't have fatal consequences and backfire on us as members of the TNI," he stressed.

"As the Kodim Commander, I hope that as members of the TNI we must all be more sensitive and concerned about the conditions around us, if there are problems or things that stand out in their area, they will immediately be followed up and reported, and work together with each other in carrying out their duties," he said.

"Be alert and also have to be smart in using social media, don't let it cause problems, anticipate and double check our vehicles, both official and private vehicles, so that there are no stickers or stickers attached that relate to or are related to the upcoming election," he continued. 

Dandim 0411/KM continued, "We must not take sides or give support to any political party, along with the candidate pairs (pairs of candidates) who are promoted and do not involve themselves in practical political activities. Do not provide TNI premises or facilities and infrastructure to candidate pairs and political parties to use as a campaign tool," he said.

"Study and guide the TNI Neutrality Pocket Book in Elections and Regional Head Elections which has been distributed and carry out all tasks with full responsibility," he continued.

Dandim 0411/KM did not forget to remind about the condition of the TNI family, "To all members and also civil servants, maintain harmony in the family and also take care of each other's health, both for yourself and your family because family is our motivation and enthusiasm in carrying out our service to fight for our family in achieving a goal and success," he said.

"Finally, I emphasize, whatever happens, all of us as soldiers must stand straight up, whatever orders from superiors, we must be loyal and continue to carry out our duties well, and I also hope that if there is a problem, immediately report it quickly to the Danramil or the Section Officer in charge. "direct superiors of the members, Happy work, may Allah SWT, the Almighty God, protect and bless us with the tasks we carry out," he concluded.

After giving Jamdan, Dandim 0411/KM gave awards to Babinsa members who were responsive to problems in their target area and succeeded in providing solutions to resolve them. (DL)


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