Babinsa Kodim 0411/KM Helps Residents Who Are Chronically Sick
Military District Command 0411/KM News
Babinsa Koramil 411-05/Punggur Kodim 0411/KM Sertu Sugiono visited a house of Sumarto's assisted residents (52 years) to cook and provide basic food assistance as one of the realizations of the Babinsa Enters Kitchen Program. Thursday (07/09/23)
Sumarto, whose address is Hamlet V, Kampung Sapto Mulyo, Kota Gajah District, Central Lampung Regency, is one of Babinsa's partners who has been ill for the last 3 years so he cannot work as usual and is experiencing economic difficulties.
For this reason, Sertu Sugiono carried out caring actions by carrying out the Babinsa Enter the Kitchen activity and also providing basic food assistance in the hope of easing the burden on Sumarto and his family.
Lt. Col. Arh Rendra Febrandari Suparman, S.I.P. as Commander of Kodim 0411/KM always reminds the Danramil and Babinsa staff to always be present to help the community and inmates as well as Babinsa partners in facing the difficulties they are experiencing, "Apart from carrying out caring action duties, the Babinsa Enter the Kitchen Program implemented by the Babinsa Koramil staff is "It was the idea of the TNI Chief of Staff, Dr. Dudung Abdurachman, with the aim of helping inmates who were experiencing economic difficulties," he explained.
"Koramils within the ranks of Kodim 0411/KM must be sensitive to their respective target areas, especially to the implementation of the Kasad's flagship programs such as Food Security, Stunting Alleviation, TNI Manunggal Clean Water, Pancasila Village and Babinsa Entering the Kitchen," he added.
With Babinsa Entering the Kitchen's caring action, Kakam Sapto Mulyo Sungkowo, S.H. said that the TNI, in this case members of the 411-05/Punggur Koramil, were always seen present in the midst of the community to directly check the condition of the kitchens of the residents they assisted. Then the TNI member started cooking proper food to be enjoyed together by Babinsa and also the inmates who were in trouble.
"Hopefully this activity will continue in the future, so that many people will be increasingly assisted," he hoped. (DL)
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