SWK Scouts Assisted by Koramil 411-15/KR Test for Taking Brivet Napak Tilas
Military District Command 0411/KM News
A total of 48 members of Saka Wira Kartika class VI and VII assisted by Koramil 411-15/Kalirejo Kodim 0411/KM carried out Napak Tilas activities in order to take the Napak Tilas Brivet and the Saka Wira Kartika Brivet. Sunday (26/09/21)
The activity was accompanied directly by a member of the Koramil 411-15/Kalirejo Sertu Een Setiyono and was scheduled to cover a distance of about 5 Km by route from Balaidesa.Kutowinangun, Sendang Agung District, to Makoramil 411-15/Kalirejo.
Sertu Een Setiyono said that the Napak Tilas activity is very important for the physical endurance of a Scout member, besides that it is also a special spirit that becomes mental strength for Scout members. "In the past, the TNI fighter, General Sudirman when fighting for the independence of the Republic of Indonesia, often did long marches, from here we can all learn lessons and immediately feel how hard a struggle is," he said.
Separately, the Commander of Kodim 0411/KM Lt. Col. Inf. Andri Hadiyanto,M.Han explained that traceability activities such as those carried out by members of the SWK Scouts fostered by the Koramil 411-15/KR, were considered very important to strengthen the physical, mental and character abilities of the younger generation. "This is certainly correlated with territorial development in the field of fostering the younger generation, as part of human resources in realizing regional defense stability," he said.