The Chairperson of Persit KCK Branch XXXI and the Management Do Good
Military District Command 0411/KM News 'Doing Good', which is one of the routine activities of Kodim 0411/KM members and staff in their respective target areas, is not only done by their husbands, Persit KCK Branch XXXI Dim 0411 also participates in the activity of doing good. With the intention of caring in sharing the Head of Persit KCK Branch XXXI Dim 0411 Ny. Novi Andri Hadiyanto along with the management accompanied by the Head of Branch 03 Koramil 411-02/North Metro and Koramil Commander Captain CHB Herry S. carried out activities to distribute food packages to underprivileged residents in the TPA Environment, Karangrejo Village, Metro Utara District, Metro City Saturday (23/10/ 2021) On that occasion Mrs. Novi Andri Hadiyanto said "We as soldiers' wives will continue to support and assist husbands in positive activities in the community, we know that together with Kodim 0411/KM soldiers and Koramil ranks always make time to do good every day in their respective ...