Laying of the First Stone Begins Pre-TMMD 107th Kodim 0411 / LT
Military District Command 0411/LT News
The location around the Nurul Huda Mosque was packed with residents of Sumbersari Village, Padang Ratu District, Lamteng District. Monday (03/02).
The most beautiful moment for the residents when they witnessed Lamteng Regent Loekman Djoyosoemarto and Kodim 0411 / LT Commander Lieutenant Colonel Czi Burhannudin, S.E.M.Si, placed the First Stone in the foundation of Nurul Huda Mosque as a symbolic of the 107th Pre-TMMD Kodim 0411 / LT commenced.
Activities witnessed directly by Plh. Kasdim 0411 / LT Major Inf Bagus S, Chairperson of the XXXI Branch Office KCK Dim 0411 Ny. Eka Pratiwi Burhannudin along with the management, Head of Communication and Information Office Imam Saputra, Kabankesbangpol Sugandi, Staff Officer and Danramil Kodim 0411 / LT, Padang Ratu Police Sector Chief Kompol Hesbin Fadilah, Padang Ratu Sub-District Ishak Ansori, Anak Tuha Sub-District Riki Agusta, all of Kakam in Padang Ratu and the surrounding community became more solemn when the Chairman of KUA Padang Ratu offered the Good Prayer for Pre-TMMD 107th Kodim 0411 / LT
In his speech the Regent of Lamteng said that TMMD was a concrete manifestation of the spirit of mutual cooperation as proof of the behavior of the people who had the identity of the Indonesian people.
The commander said that in addition to building the mushhola, the TNI AD also carried out a six-unit house renovation, construction of a 2.4 Kilometer onderlagh road, as well as repairing bridges, completing unfinished buildings and would be perfected.
"The implementation of TMMD is held in March to April. We will take this first, so that when TMMD we can be 100 percent finished, " he explained (MC Kodim 0411 / LT Team)
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