
Menampilkan postingan dari 2020

Kodim 0411 / LT Wins First Place in Painting Through Shefira Dwi Rizkyanti at Makorem 043/Gatam

Military District Command 0411/LT News In commemoration of the Indonesian Army Day of Fighting Kartika (HJK) and the 75th Anniversary of Kodam II / Sriwijaya 2020, the Military Resor Command 043 / Garuda Hitam held a painting competition and a poetry reading competition held at Makorem 043 / Gatam Headquarters Jl. Teuku Umar No.85, Penengah, Kec. Tj. Karang Pusat, Bandar Lampung City. Tuesday (15/12/2020) Remarks by Danrem 043 / Gatam Brigadier General TNI Toto Jumariono,SS,M.I.Kom as read by Kasiter Lt. Col. Kav Thomas Rudiyanto said "We all realize that the effects of globalization and modernization are currently very fast. , especially for our youth as the nation's hopeful young generation " . "This change has shifted the order of the values ​​of the soul and the spirit of nationality at all levels of society, including our children. At a very young age, teenagers really need attention, guidance and direction from parents and teachers," he added. "I hop...

DPC Hipakad Kota Metro Establishes Gathering Again

Military District Command 0411/LT News Branch Leadership Council (DPC) of the Association of Boys and Girls of the Metro City Army Family (HIPAKAD) on the second Sunday of December, since November it has been on a tour of several families of retired TNI-AD soldiers, now DPC HIPAKAD of Metro City is returning to make a friendly visit. second, to the families of TNI-AD retired officers in Metro City, Sunday (13/12/2020). This activity of gathering with the families of TNI-AD retired officers in Metro City received full support from the Kodim 0411 / LT Unit, as conveyed by Pasiter Kodim 0411 / LT Captain Inf Sabariyanto representing Dandim 0411 / LT Lieutenant Colonel Andri Hadiyanto, M.Han. "In essence, the Kodim 0411 / LT unit will always support positive activities carried out by the Metro City Hipakad, especially this is to re-establish the relationship which has the impact of strengthening emotional relations between the sons and daughters of the TNI in general, especially the r...

Welcoming Kartika's Fighting Day 2020, Kodim 0411 / LT Holds Blood Donation Social Service

Military District Command 0411/LT In order to welcome Kartika's Fighting Day (HJK) on 15 December 2020, Kodim 0411 / LT will hold a Blood Donation Social Service at PMI Metro City and PMI's Blood Transfusion Unit (UTD) PMI Regional Hospital (RSD) Demang Sepulau Raya Lamteng. Monday (07/12/20) In charge of the two target areas, Kodim 0411 / LT divides its Koramil personnel into two groups to carry out social services, namely in Metro City and Central Lampung Regency.   In his explanation, Dandim 0411 / LT Lt. Col. Inf Andri Hadiyanto, M.Han, represented by Territorial Section Officer Captain Inf Sabariyanto said, in order to welcome Kartika's Fighting Day 2020, Kodim 0411 / LT personnel conducted blood donations at PMI Metro City and PMI Central Lampung as a form of TNI social service to the community in order to ease the burden on people who are in need of blood transfusions. "This TNI social action aims to help others who need blood, as well as a form of TNI-AD servic...

DPC HIPAKAD, Metro City, Conducts a Gathering Visit to the Families of Retired Army Officers

Military District Command 0411/LT METRO - Branch Leadership Council (DPC) of the Association of Boys and Girls of the Metro City Army Family (HIPAKAD) on the first Sunday, after being inaugurated a few days ago, DPC HIPAKAD Metro City immediately made its first visit to the families of TNI-AD retired officers who was in Metro City, Sunday (22/11/2020). Dozens of members of the DPC HIPAKAD Metro City, led by Budi Hartono, are also the Chairperson of the DPC HIPAKAD for the period 2020-2025. When interviewed, the Head of DPC HIPAKAD, Metro City, also explained that the activity of gathering and providing basic food assistance was aimed at strengthening the ties of brotherhood among the families of retired TNI-AD (we are children visiting our parents) who are especially in Metro City. "DPC HIPAKAD Metro City visits / visits to the families of TNI-AD retired officers, as well as social activities with the provision of basic necessities, are aimed at strengthening the ties of brotherho...

Commander of Kodim 0411 / LT and Chairman of Persit KCK Branch XXXI visited Koramil 411-11 / TB

Military District Command 0411/LT Commander of Kodim 0411 / LT Lt. Col. Inf Andri Hadiyanto,M.Han and Head of Persit KCK Branch XXXI Branch Dim 0411 Ny. Novi Andri Hadiyanto conducted a working visit to Koramil 411-11 / Terbanggi Besar. Wednesday (07/10/2020). The delegation of Dandim 0411 / LT and Head of Persit KCK Branch XXXI accompanied by Pabung Lamteng Major Inf Asrin, Pasiter Captain Inf Sabaryanto, Pasi Intel Lettu Inf Tri Yuli P., and the persit committee were welcomed by Danramil 411-11 / TB Captain Inf Gunawan accompanied by Head Persit Ranting 12, Kapolsek Terbanggi Besar, Kompol Drs Sutana Yusuf, M.Kom.I, Kapolsek Way Pengubuan Police, Iptu Santoso, S.Pd, Kapolsek Terusan Nunyai Iptu M. Ali, Camat Kecanggi Besar Fathul Arifin, S.IP., MM, Head of Sub-District of Terusan Nunyai Muhammad Saleh, MIP, Head of Sub-District of Way Pengubuan Sub-district Dahrif Ansyhori, Head of Sub-District of Seputih Agung Candra Sukma, Head Village of Kampung Terbanggi Besar ...

Commander of Kodim 0411 / LT Warmly Welcomes two Police Chiefs on the 75th Anniversary of the TNI

Military District Command 0411/LT Kapolres Metro AKBP Retno Prihawati,S.Sos,.S,IK,.M.H and Kapolres Lamteng AKBP Popon Ardianto Sunggoro,S.IK,S.H. gave a surprise on the 75th anniversary of the Indonesian National Army (TNI) to Makodim 0411 / LT Jalan Veteran, 22 Hadimulyo Barat Urban Village, Metro City. Monday afternoon (05/101/2020) The arrival of the two top leaders of the Resort Police was greeted directly by Dandim 0411 / LT Lieutenant Colonel Inf Andri Hadiyanto,M.Han accompanied by the Head of Persit KCK Branch XXXI Dim 0411 Ny. Novi Andri Hadiyanto and the ranks of Staff Officers and the Military Command. Also seen in the sudden visit, Deputy Chief of Metro Police Kompol Gusti Iwan Wijaya, SH.MH, Head of Ops Metro Police Kompol Hadi Utomo and PJU Polres Metro and Polres Lamteng. Bringing tumpeng and tart cakes, the two police agencies gave a Happy Birthday with the theme "Synergy for the Country" "We along with the big family of the Metro and Central Lampung Pol...

Simultaneous Yustisi Operations throughout Indonesia

Military District Command 0411/LT News The Joint Standby Apple for Simultaneous Distribution of Masks, a Campaign to Keep Distance and Avoid Crowds in the Context of Operation Justisi Using Masks and the 2020 Pilkada which is safe, peaceful and healthy was held at the Central Lampung Police Headquarters yard. Thursday (10/09/20) The apple was led directly by the Central Lampung Police Chief AKBP Popon Ardianto Sunggoro S.I.K, SH together with Dandim 0411 / Central Lampung Lt. Col. Inf Andri Hadiyanto, M.Han, attended by Kajari of Gunung Sugih Kab. Central Lampung Edi Dikdaya, SH, MH, Chairman of the KPU Kab. Lamteng Irawan Indra Jaya, Chairman of Bawaslu Kab. Lamteng Harmono, SH.I, Head of District Health Office. Lamteng, dr. Otnil Sriwidiatmoko, Head of BPBD Kab. Central Lampung Guntur S. Napitupulu, SE, Head of Transportation Office represented by Secretary Hi. Helmy Zain, A.TD, MT, Representative of the Head of Political Parties in the District. Lamteng, representatives of community...

Military District Command 0411 / LT and the Metro Police held Joint Patrol activities

Military District Command 0411/LT News Military District Command 0411 / LT and Metro Police held Joint Patrol activities in order to secure the Registration stage for Regional Head Candidates in the 2020 Regional Elections in the Metro City area. Sunday (06/09/2020) The Joint Patrol was led by Dandim 0411 / LT Lt. Col. Inf Andri Hadiyanto, M.Han and Kapolres Metro AKBP Retno Prihawati, S.Sos., S.IK., M.H followed by Kasdim 0411 / LT Major Inf Bagus Setyawan, S. Sos., Danramil 411-14 / PR, Captain Czi Mulyono, Danramil 411-07 / SB Captain Inf Sapji, Danramil 411-06 / SR Captain Inf Suprobo, Pasi Intel Dim 0411 / LT Lettu Inf Tri Yuli P., Perwira Sandi Kodim 0411 / LT Letda Arh Rahmad M. Babinsa Koramil 411- and 05 and Muli Polwan Polres Metro. The purpose of carrying out the Joint Patrol is to create a sense of security during the 2020 Pilkada Stages and it is hoped that a conducive regional situation will be created. "We put forward preventive methods, namely activities...

Safeguarding the Registration of Candidates for Regent and Mayor of Kodim 0411 / LT Region

  Military District Command 0411/LT News Pesonnel of Kodim 0411 / LT synergizes with the National Police and related officials in the implementation of securing Candidates for Mayor and Regent in the target area. Friday (04/09/2020). Pabung Lamteng Major Inf Asrin directly supervised the activities led by Danramil 411-12 / GS Captain Arh Bend Djohan during the Security Team Checking Appliance Registration Stage Candidates for Lamteng Regent and Deputy Regent of Lamteng in the 2020 Pilkada Simultaneously at the Lamteng KPU Office Jln. Proclamator No. 165 Bandar Jaya Kab. Lamteng. The security personnel strength is a combination of the Koramil-Koramil Kodim 0411 / LT ranks covering the Koramil whose territory is in Lamteng Regency including Koramil 411-08 / RB 2 personnel, Koramil 411-09 / SS 2 personnel, Koramil 411-10 / SM 3 personnel, Koramil 411-11 / TB 3 personnel, Koramil 411-12 / GS 3 personnel, Koramil 411-13 / BR 2 personnel, Koramil 411-14 / PR 3 personnel, Koramil 411-15 /...

Ketua Persit Branch XXXI and Dandim 0411 / LT gave a surprise Happy Birthday Cake to Policewomen at Metro Police

  Military District Command 0411/LT News Ketua Persit Kartika Candra Kirana (KCK) Branch XXXI Dim 0411 Koorcab Rem 043 Mrs. Novi Andri Hadiyanto accompanied by Dandim 0411 / LT Lieutenant Colonel Inf Andri Hadiyanto, M.Han., Kasdim Mayor Inf Bagus Setiawan, S.Sos, Officers of Kodim 0411 / LT and KCK Persit Management Branch XXXI gave a surprise Happy Birthday Cake to Policewomen at Metro Police on the 72nd Anniversary of Indonesian Policewomen. Tuesday (01/09/2020) The Happy Birthday Cake was received directly by the Head of Metro Police AKBP Retno Prihawati, S.Sos., S.IK., MH. accompanied by Waka Polres Kompol Gusti Iwan Wijaya and PJU Polres Metro and Bhayangkari Polres Metro. In that activity, Mrs. Novi Andri Hadiyanto and Dandim 0411 / LT Lieutenant Colonel Inf Andri Hadiyanto congratulated the Policewomen who have served the National Police well. "We hope that in the future the Indonesian Policewomen can be more resilient and able to bring out the big name of the National...

Dandim 0411 / LT Lt. Col. Inf Andri Hadiyanto Leads Apel Minggu Militer for August 2020

  Military District Command 0411/LT Kodim 0411 / LT carried out the Military Week Apple in August 2020 led directly by Dandim 0411 / LT Lt. Col. Inf Andri Hadiyanto at the Makodim 0411 / LT Apple Field Jalan Veteran No. 29 Bedeng 22 Hadimulyo Barat Metro City. Monday (24/08/20) The event was attended by Kasdim 0411 / LT Major Inf Bagus Setiawan, S., Sos., Staff Officers and ranks of the Danramil and was attended by all members of the Makodim and Koramil ranks. When giving the mandate, Dandim 0411 / LT reminded all members that the Military Week activity was a means for soldiers to recall the basics of military and soldiering they already had, so that with this activity all members of Kodim 0411 / LT would continue to maintain and recall their abilities. the basis of a soldier even though his want is taken up by many development activities in the fostered village area as the main task of personnel in the territorial territorial unit. After the Apel all members attended the Commander...