the Anti-Drug Tough Village Declaration

Military Distric Commad 0411/KM News Dandim 0411/KM Lt. Col. Arh Rendra Febrandari Suparman,S.I.P. accompanied by Danramil 411-05/Punggur Captain Chb Heri Syahputra attended the Anti-Drug Tough Village Declaration at the Multipurpose Building (GSS) Kotagajah Village, Kota Gajah District, Central Lampung Regency. Tuesday (29/08/2023) Appearing to be present at the activity was the Deputy Regent of Central Lampung, dr. H. Ardito Wijaya, Central Lampung Police Chief AKBP Andik Purnomo Sigit, SH.S.IK.MM., Central Lampung Kajari Dedi Kurniawan, SH.MH., Head of Class IIB Gunungsugih Suprihadi, Forkopimcam City of Gajah along with village officials and students SMA, SMP in Kotagajah District and about 400 community members. With this declaration, Kampung Kota Gajah is the first Tangguh Anti-Drug Village for the Central Lampung Regency area due to the minimal number of drug cases that have occurred in the sub-district. "Of the 10 sub-districts and 301 villages in Central Lampung, Kampung ...