After Becoming Irup at Muad High School, Dandim 0411/KM Conducts Audience at PD Muhammadiyah Metro City

Military District Command 0411/KM News Dandim 0411/KM Lt. Col. Inf Sihono, A.Md. acting as Irup opening Taaruf Forum and Orientation (Fortasi) SMA Muhammadiyah Ahmad Dahlan Metro City students in the school field Jl. Ahmad Dahlan, Rejomulyo Village, South Metro District, Metro City. Thursday (13/07/2023) In front of the ceremony participants which was attended by the Head of SMA Muad and the teacher council, Danramil 411- 03/MS Captain Inf Tri Yuli P. and members, Dandim 0411/KM Letkol Inf Sihono, A.Md. in his mandate to provide motivation to SMA Muad students in grades XI, XII and new students totaling 400 people. "You all need to know, that one of the means of getting to know the school environment is to take part in the activities summarized in Fortasi or Ta'aruf and Orientation Forums," he said. "In this activity the new students will be provided with lessons on social values, rules and school introduction so that students will feel more at home in the school ...