The TNI's care for its people is extraordinary

Military District Command 0411/KM News As a manifestation of the sensitivity of the Indonesian National Armed Forces (TNI), especially Babinsa to the underprivileged inmates in these difficult times, Dandim 0411/KM Lt. Col. Inf Sihono, A.Md. to realize the order of Mr. Kasad by ordering all Danramil ranks to carry out the Babinsa Enter the Kitchen program. Monday (31/10/22). Simultaneously, Babinsa Kodim 0411/KM visited the homes of underprivileged inmates by directly observing the condition of the inmates in their respective areas and then providing assistance in the form of food packages to meet the needs and nutrition of the underprivileged residents. In the target area, Babinsa Kodim 0411/KM visited residents' homes, then checked the kitchen and asked directly for supplies and the daily food menu. It was there that Babinsa could see firsthand that some of his inmates were still surviving today and even yesterday by eating food that did not meet the body's needs, still lacki...