Opening of the 2022 Kasad Cup Santri League Soccer Championship in Lampung Province Zone

Military District Command 0411/KM News Dandim 0411/KM Lt. Col. Inf. Sihono, A.Md. and the Head of Persit KCK Branch XXXI Ny. Linda Sihono attended the opening ceremony of the PSSI Santri League Soccer Championship for the 2022 Kasad Cup which was opened directly by the Commander of Korem 043/Garuda HItam Brigadier General Ruslan Effendy, S.I.P, at Pahoman Stadium Jl. H. Juanda Pahoman Bandar Lampung, Monday (22/8/2022). The opening of the PSSI Santri League Soccer championship for the 2022 Kasad Cup was attended by 11 football clubs from Islamic Boarding Schools in the 043/Gatam Korem territorial area, which were declared qualified to take part in the Kasad Cup Santri League match at the Korem level. For information, the 2022 PSSI Santri League Kasad Cup soccer tournament has begun with matches at the Kodim level starting from 20 June to 10 July 2022, and from today until 29 August matches will be held at the Korem 043/ Gatam. The match will continue at the provincial/Kodam II/Sriwijay...