Kodim 0411 / LT Wins First Place in Painting Through Shefira Dwi Rizkyanti at Makorem 043/Gatam

Military District Command 0411/LT News In commemoration of the Indonesian Army Day of Fighting Kartika (HJK) and the 75th Anniversary of Kodam II / Sriwijaya 2020, the Military Resor Command 043 / Garuda Hitam held a painting competition and a poetry reading competition held at Makorem 043 / Gatam Headquarters Jl. Teuku Umar No.85, Penengah, Kec. Tj. Karang Pusat, Bandar Lampung City. Tuesday (15/12/2020) Remarks by Danrem 043 / Gatam Brigadier General TNI Toto Jumariono,SS,M.I.Kom as read by Kasiter Lt. Col. Kav Thomas Rudiyanto said "We all realize that the effects of globalization and modernization are currently very fast. , especially for our youth as the nation's hopeful young generation " . "This change has shifted the order of the values of the soul and the spirit of nationality at all levels of society, including our children. At a very young age, teenagers really need attention, guidance and direction from parents and teachers," he added. "I hop...