DPC HIPAKAD, Metro City, Conducts a Gathering Visit to the Families of Retired Army Officers

Military District Command 0411/LT METRO - Branch Leadership Council (DPC) of the Association of Boys and Girls of the Metro City Army Family (HIPAKAD) on the first Sunday, after being inaugurated a few days ago, DPC HIPAKAD Metro City immediately made its first visit to the families of TNI-AD retired officers who was in Metro City, Sunday (22/11/2020). Dozens of members of the DPC HIPAKAD Metro City, led by Budi Hartono, are also the Chairperson of the DPC HIPAKAD for the period 2020-2025. When interviewed, the Head of DPC HIPAKAD, Metro City, also explained that the activity of gathering and providing basic food assistance was aimed at strengthening the ties of brotherhood among the families of retired TNI-AD (we are children visiting our parents) who are especially in Metro City. "DPC HIPAKAD Metro City visits / visits to the families of TNI-AD retired officers, as well as social activities with the provision of basic necessities, are aimed at strengthening the ties of brotherho...