Simultaneous Yustisi Operations throughout Indonesia

Military District Command 0411/LT News The Joint Standby Apple for Simultaneous Distribution of Masks, a Campaign to Keep Distance and Avoid Crowds in the Context of Operation Justisi Using Masks and the 2020 Pilkada which is safe, peaceful and healthy was held at the Central Lampung Police Headquarters yard. Thursday (10/09/20) The apple was led directly by the Central Lampung Police Chief AKBP Popon Ardianto Sunggoro S.I.K, SH together with Dandim 0411 / Central Lampung Lt. Col. Inf Andri Hadiyanto, M.Han, attended by Kajari of Gunung Sugih Kab. Central Lampung Edi Dikdaya, SH, MH, Chairman of the KPU Kab. Lamteng Irawan Indra Jaya, Chairman of Bawaslu Kab. Lamteng Harmono, SH.I, Head of District Health Office. Lamteng, dr. Otnil Sriwidiatmoko, Head of BPBD Kab. Central Lampung Guntur S. Napitupulu, SE, Head of Transportation Office represented by Secretary Hi. Helmy Zain, A.TD, MT, Representative of the Head of Political Parties in the District. Lamteng, representatives of community...