Deserves a thumbs up, Kodim 0411/KM Turns Urban Farming Land into Food Security

Military District Command 0411/KM News Dozens of Poktuud Makodim 0411/KM personnel assisted by members of the Koramil ranks led by Pasilog Captain Inf Gunawan prepared an Urban Farming area of 70 x 25 M in the area around the Military District Command Headquarters 0411/KM as a form of land use for farming and raising livestock with the aim of food security. Saturday (07/12/2024) Starting with a checking call, Pasilog Captain Inf Gunawan directed the tasks that had to be carried out by his soldiers. "Dear colleagues, this morning we again carried out mutual cooperation activities to prepare land around the Makodim area measuring 70 , namely in the field of Food Security," he said. "This also supports government programs, namely that we produce agricultural products such as vegetables, fruit, fish and poultry which can later be enjoyed as a nutritional supplement for the family," he continued. Captain Inf Gunawan explained, "On this Urban Farming land, we wil...